Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 3

Sometimes the most exciting, and the most terrible things can happen in a small matter's time. Every Friday when there's a school day I play music over the PA in the school; welcoming in the weekend. The morning began with the pokemon theme song... and the day ended with an incomplete song by Maroon 5.
I remember the shaking.
I remember the smile on my face.
I remember the drain of life on everyone as the doors began to rattle.
I remember me switching off the music and screaming over the PA to get outside or under a desk.
I remember dropping the mike and diving for the nearest desk next to a teetering TV bolted against the wall. The principal screaming my words over the dead PA system that switched off with the power. Her running to a support against the wall; and my eyes locked on the swinging dead mike against the sound board of the PA. My heart stopped with the trembling earth.
Adrenalin hit me and I rushed to my bag next to the entrance; fumbling for a cell phone I knew wouldn't go through. I tried anyways. Nothing. I ran for the door, exiting the building to a slew of high school kids wondering around, lost about what to do. I went for my car; churning the dying engine to life and screeching out of the parking spot with horrible brakes. Screaming to bystanders to get out of the way, and me peeling down the road home. On my way the adrenalin faded... it almost felt like everything was fine, that the dread I felt in the pit of my stomach was all a game.
I arrived home to see my brother alive, him reassuring me mom and dad were okay as well. His room in tatters, mine just dandy with a half open closet. All was good. Until the aftershock hit, shaking me practically from my feet and both of us running for a door frame. Mom came home shortly after; breathing heavily telling us to go outside. She said she was going upstairs, to the 9th floor where other families live, no doubt suffering even more from the trembles. I went with, running up the stairs to reach a family. Mom helped the children down while I continued upwards; barely reaching the 8th floor as another aftershock hit me and made me stumble and grasp the door handle; pulling it ajar and crawling out of the staircase into the halls of apartments. A name plate on a door; I crawled for it to open it to a mother and baby in only a diaper.
Everyone was downstairs, all families gone from the building and resting in their cars; leaning to the radio for comfort.
8.9 earthquake. Two days prior had been a 7.2... today was even worse. Things eventually settled and we returned to our homes to fine broken things, no power, no heat, no connection to the outside world, but we had each other.
Even now the aftershocks still shake the building; reminding us what happened on Friday March 11, 2011. A earthquake that shook northern Japan like none other. A boat ended up in the middle of a city just a few minutes drive from where we were; the most devastated city just a few hours drive. We had survived; as much as we knew from Japanese folks.. only a few residents of the town had perished along the coast. Even now people are terrified of it happening again as the aftershocks remind us. Even my family did as much as they could just in case the power went out again. Turning on the heaters to full blast to warm the tomb of a house. We were alive though... and that's all that mattered.

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